9-12 SEPTEMBER 2025

Jason Smalley

Jason Smalley

Managing Director

Tutis Energy Ltd
Tutis Energy Ltd 190 X 190

Jason is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with an MSc in Asset Management and Reliability Engineering, with over 25 years of experience of operations and maintenance of all asset types on High Hazard operating facilities including Major chemical complexes, refineries and LNG peak shave and importation terminals. The SME for LNG maintenance and inspection during the development of the South Hook LNG terminal and laterally for the UKs peak shave LNG storage facilities leading the first decommissioning of these assets in 2009. In 2010 becoming terminal manager for the Avonmouth LNG peak shave and Operations advisor for the Isle of grain importation terminal developing the strategy and requirements for life extension of the original 1980's storage capacity at the terminal. Starting Tutis Energy Ltd in 2015 where we have provided owners engineering consultancy support on the UKs largest importation facilities for Natural Gas, LNG and LPG including the inspection specification and life extension of the world first LNG importation terminal storage tanks. In addition to providing engineering consultancy services to the LNG industry globally.