9-12 SEPTEMBER 2025

David Bryson

David Bryson

Chief Operating Officer

Uniper 200X130

David Bryson has been Uniper’s Chief Operating Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer since November 2019. Combining the two roles reflects Uniper’s determination to tackle the climate challenge in an integrated way. An energy company must of course continue to provide its clients with a reliable and cost-effective supply. Same time Uniper recognizes that its purpose should also include the pursuit of future-proofed, sustainable solutions that can meet growing energy demand while contributing the decarbonization that the planet needs.A chartered engineer who spent 24 years developing as a leader and manager in the British Army, Bryson joined the energy industry more than 14 years ago. In various senior management positions at E.ON he helped develop an open-minded culture that was central to expanding the business’s operations, raising awareness of works-safety and driving business transformation through a dedicated focus of operational excellence to listen to the customer’s needs.Since Uniper’s first days, Bryson has been responsible for its asset business’s international operations. As a long-term champion of diversity, he always sees both sides of the coin and considers the view of all stakeholders in his decision-making. No matter how his responsibility has increased during the years, he is still close to the business and the people.

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