9-12 SEPTEMBER 2025

Abdulkarim A. Al-Ghamdi

Abdulkarim A. Al-Ghamdi

EVP - Gas


Abdulkarim A. Al-Ghamdi currently serves as Saudi Aramco’s Executive Vice President of Gas and has more than 20 years’ experience of making measurable contributions towards the Company’s strategic and commercial goals. Al-Ghamdi previously served as the Senior Vice President of Project Management at Saudi Aramco, prior to his current role, and has held a number of Operational and Planning positions within various business lines and organizations including Power Systems, Distribution, Refining, Engineering Services, Joint Ventures and has led several successful transactions. He holds a Master’s Degree (MS) in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, a Degree (BSc) in Chemical Engineering from the King Fahd University for Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) and attended Harvard Business School from 2011-2012. Al-Ghamdi is the Ex-Chairman of Fadhili Cogeneration Company, the National Power Academy, and Aramco Power. Al-Ghamdi is also an Ex-Member of the Board of Saudi Aramco & Dow Chemical Company (SADARA), Marafiq Company, and Power Cogeneration Plant Company (PCPC). He is also a former Member of the Board of the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC), Saudi Aramco TOTAL Refining and Petrochemical (SATORP), in addition to the Jazan Integrated Gasification and Power Company (JIGPC).

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