9-12 SEPTEMBER 2025

Roberto Furian Ardenghy

Roberto Furian Ardenghy


Brazilian Petroleum & Gas Institute (IBP)
IBP 190X190

Currently CEO of the Brazilian Petroleum & Gas Institute (IBP), the main industry association in Brazil, Roberto Ardenghy is a former Brazilian diplomat with 30+ years of experience in government relations, infrastructure, energy, sustainability, and oil & gas, both in private and public sectors. Mr. Ardenghy is a reference in energy discussions in Brasil and abroad and he is a frequent speaker in international events related to energy transition, oil & gas and investment opportunities in Brazil, such as RIO OIL & GAS 2016/2017/2022, ADIPEC 2020, OTC 2015/2017/2021/2023, GASTECH 2022, STS Forum (Japan) 2022, CERAWEEK 2023 and Baker Hughes Annual Meeting (Firenze) 2023.
On January 2019 he joined PETROBRAS as Chief of Staff of the CEO. He was later appointed Chief Executive (Board Member) in charge of Institutional & Sustainability areas, with responsibilities to oversee climate change, communications, social performance and government affairs. He worked as a diplomat at different Brazilian Embassies and Consulates abroad (Washington DC, Buenos Aires, Houston and New York). He also held senior positions in Brazil’s federal government in Brasilia. From 2002 to 2007, he worked at the National Petroleum Agency ANP (oil regulator), with different responsibilities, including Chief of Staff, President of the Ethics Commission and Supply and Biofuels Superintendent. From 2007 to 2111 he took the position of Chief Corporate Affairs at BG Group in Brazil, an international oil company based in Rio de Janeiro. At that time he was professor of International Law at Candido Mendes University, and at the post-graduation program of COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ. Ardenghy is board member of the Brazil/American Chambers of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro, Houston and New York.
He graduated in law at the Federal University of Santa Maria and earned a master degree in diplomacy and international relations at Rio Branco Institute. He also also has a post-graduate degrees in petroleum and natural gas by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/COPPE. In 2014 Mr. Ardenghy wrote a thesis for the Advance Studies Program at the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy about Oil & Gas in Brazil and the Impact in the country’s Foreign Policy.
He is fluent in English, French and Spanish. He is married with two children.

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